Feb 18, 2015


Plant-Based Diets: a Prescription for Optimal Health
"Close to 70 percent of American adults are overweight or obese, a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. It’s a problem that crosses political party lines, affects people of all ages in all 50 states, and attributes to 75 percent of health care spending for chronic disease. It’s weighing our country down, but we have the power to exponentially change these statistics.

Research studies show populations who opt for plant-based fare – vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds – are the trimmest and healthiest on the planet."(~Excerpt)

Plant-Based Diets: a Prescription for Optimal Health

#‎plantbaseddiet‬ ‪#‎health‬ ‪#‎nutrition‬ ‪#‎vegan‬ ‪#‎diseasefightingfoods‬ ‪#‎optimalhealth‬ ‪#‎weightloss‬ ‪#‎diet‬ ‪#‎nutritiontrends‬

Experts share advice for following a healthy, plant-based diet on the cheap.

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